Nils Tatum, Dino Fendi
It’s been a while since we had a Nils Tatum update on our website as he no longer really qualifies as a “freshman”.
But today he is paired with Dino Fendi who most definitely does.
Nils meets Dino during an introduction for his promo video with Viggo.
He wastes no time in stealing Dino for himself, dragging him into the studio to show him just what it is like to have sex with a porn star.
Nils offers his butthole to Dino who then fucks him until Nils cums all over his stomach.
Dino might appear shy at first but this does not stop him from shooting his load right into Nils‘ mouth.
Watch FULL MOVIE here!
Watch FULL MOVIE here!
All the Freshmen updates right here!
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