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Mark Sullivan

Mark Sullivan

Lovers of true blonds will find Mark a treat, as he is about a blond as you can get. Mark started with us this year on Freshmen and you will see more of him in our big African special in 2018.

Model Rating

Hair color:Blond
Eye color:Blue-Green
Dick size:18
Dick type:Thick


Jambo Africa part 04
Mark & Peter
Bobby & Mark
Adam & Kieran / Mark & Christian
Enrique & Mark
Mark Sullivan
Mark Sullivan


<p>Time for another couple photoset soon. We`ve chosen for you Mark Sullivan and Peter Annaud for the occasion. Both guys are fit and handsome and make a nice visual contrast. Of course we get the added bonus of Peter`s massive dick. As usual, the boys seem to have a lot of fun during these special shoots, so we hope you enjoy seeing them as much as they did making it.</p>
Mark & Peter
<p>It`s Sex Safari time again this week and we have a double photoset to kick things off with Ryan McKenna and Mark Sullivan in front of the camera today. The mood is definitely romantic between the  two guys as Eliot does his best to create a very erotic set of images. During the shoot we finmd out that Mark`s small tattoo has a special meaning to him as well as how Ryan`s nipples react to getting licked. With such a promising start to the week, things are looking hot.</p>
Ryan & Mark
Our model of the week here is Mark Sullivan.  From the look of his buff body, you would think that he is a very sporty guy, but the truth of it lies elsewhere.  Mark is actually in the army reserves, so he keeps fit in a much more practical manner, with daily field training, on top of his school work.  However he does it, the results are certainly superb and Mark is a joy to look at in this photo session from Castello KinkyAngelo.
Mark Sullivan